The Mapping Wiki
The Mapping Wiki

This page is also available on TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki. For the history of the page on the TFoE Wiki, see here

This page is an archive of free-licensed maps for mappers to use.  

You can submit your own maps to this page via our submissions page, where our Quality Control Team will review them and upload them to the page if they are deemed good enough.

The pages are organized by groups of maps with the same projection and dimensions. Ready maps, such as those with infoboxes, are at the bottom.

These are European maps.

These are Asian maps.

These are maps of the entire world.

These are African maps.

These are maps of the Americas.

These are maps of Oceania.

These are maps of nations or regions within nations.

These are maps of Earth in the past.

These are maps of or related to space.

These are maps of fantasy lands.

These are maps that don't fit in any of the other categories.

See Also[]
