The Mapping Wiki
The Mapping Wiki

Nekrian Mapper, commonly shortened to either Nekria or Nekrian, is an American Mapping YouTuber. Nekria is one of the smaller mappers on the YouTube platform in comparison to many others.

The following information is from either Nekria, or members of the community that have heard this information first-hand from Nekria.


Introduction to Mapping[]

During the years of 2016-2017, Nekria had been watching a variety of history-related YouTube videos that led him to discover the genre of mapping. One of the first videos that Nekria had seen was LV's Alternate Future of the World, and later, Zealandia Mapping's Alternate Future of the World. Shortly after Nekria watched more of these mapping videos, the more he got interested in the topic. Nekria had designed his first flag during these years, and would print out blank paper maps to draw both real life borders as accurately as possible, and alternative borders.

First Countryball Video[]

The first countryball video created by Nekria was a showcase of various countryballs that Nekria had created on a single Microsoft Paint file. The countryballs in this video were noted by Nekria as "scum on the planet Earth," Nekria later privated this video. Due to this, very few people have seen this video, even amongst Nekria"s closest friends. When asked to describe what types of countryballs were made on the file, Nekria said that the countryballs consisted of about 20 Asian and European countries.

First Mapping Video[]


Nekria's first map posted on YouTube; the thumbnail to the video "The War Of The Faces"

Nekria's first mapping video is still publicly available and titled "The War Of The Faces." In this video, a war is posed between the US states of Mississippi and Alabama that lasted 25 seconds. This video is the first instance of a map that Nekria had posted onto YouTube.

Mapping Series[]

Nekria is quite famous in his friend group for having tendencies to not create proper series. So far, both series that Nekria has started have not had more than 2 episodes created.

Alternate Future of the Middle East[]

Nekria's Alternate Future of the Middle East was discontinued after 2 episodes of production. This was Nekria's first series and was made purely for Nekria's amusement. During these two episodes, such events such as an Israeli-Turkish invasion of Syria occurred, as well as a communist Saudi Arabia. Nekria later commented saying that he has wanted to revamp the series, but it would appear that no action is being taken towards developing it. This "series" had grown to over 4000 views. The series began on April 24th, 2020 and was officially announced dead on June 21st of the same year.

Great Africa[]

Nekria's Great Africa series has not officially been discontinued, however, an episode has not been made in months and has been assumed discontinued by the mass. This series started in an alternative 2020 but advanced in the typical Alternate Future fashion. In episode zero of Great Africa a twist in this series is revealed, the nation of Cabo Verde acted as a narrator, seeming to know about our timeline as well as the Great Africa timeline. It is currently unknown why this is the case, however Nekria has stated that Cabo Verde was intended to be very vocal in the storyline, however no proper episodes have shown this fact beyond narration. The series had started on August 29th, 2020, but has not been continued beyond 2020.

Discord Era[]


Nekria had joined Discord in early 2020 and become active in a server for the YouTuber named Miksi XIII, later becoming an admin. Nekria spent much of his free time in that server in the 2020's however is not as talkative in the server anymore. Nekria states that because of Discord, he was able to hone his map making skills. He also states that Discord has helped to develop friendships that last until this day, including people such as Kohalium, Lord Thornus, Miksi XIII, Brodorbis, and many others.
