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Dimension Harb Wahida

Year: 1914

1. Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serb.

2. Aland rebels win, leaves Russia and joins Sweden.

3. Finland gains independence in the Finnish War of Independence.

4. Getting Inspired, Abkhavians start a war of independence.

5. Followed by Georgians and Armenians.

6. Turkey also joins in side of the rebels for Kars.

7. Iran joins for North Azerbaijan in side of the rebels.

8. Germany suggests now it would be a great time for Austria to declare war.

9. Austria does as Germany says.

10. Albania and Montenegro join in Austria's side.

11. Serbia calls Montenegro for help, who agrees.

12. Serbia does the same for Russia, but he refuses.

13. Montenegro surrenders. It is split by Austria and Albania.

14.Serbia surrenders. It is split by Austria, Albania and Bulgaria.

15. Greece regrets not helping Serbia and Montenegro, and is eager to take revenge.

16. Greece teams up with Romania and Ottomy for this operation.

17. Bessabarians do a civil war to join Romania.

18. Bessabarians win. Their land is to Romania.

19. Romania asks Greece when the war starts.

20. Greece says in 1st of January 1915.
