The Mapping Wiki
The Mapping Wiki

The Bat Mapping Community, also referred to as The Bats, used to be a Google+ raiding community in direct opposition to The Mapping Community, but now referrers to a collection of Google+ communities and Discord servers dedicated to raiding with an estimated 700members collectively. The bats were most prominent in late 2017, early 2018 and summer 2019, in 2020 they lost relevance, and most former members left at that point. In late 2020 HYPER BAT MAPPING has been purged by Alex582, however Hyper bat is still semi-active. The server however is completely dead, after Alex´ account was deleted by discord.

List of Servers

The Bat Commune

The Bat Commune is the largest and most active Bat Mapping Discord Server with 449 members.

The Bat Raiding Task Team

The server is furthermore private but it's existence has been confirmed by Hyper Bat Mapping , most likely has 30-40 members, and it's the second public Bat-Related server.

Extra Bat Anarchy

The Extra Bat Anarchy is a server related to Extra bat Mapping, Or Third Street Seren, it's an anarchy-server,there are no rules, It's the Third biggest Bat-related server.

Ultraman Church

The Ultraman Church is a Church associated with the god, the myth, the Legend, Ultraman Mapping Fiction & History.

Bat Commune 2nd

The second bat commune is also an anarchy server made by the Owners of the Bat Commune.
